
Scientific articles submitted to Journal of civil engineering and transport are reviewed in accordance with the following procedure:

Initial review

Editor-in-Chief and the Chairman of the Scientific Council will evaluate each article to determine if its topic and content are appropriate for consideration in transEngin. Works that do not meet the minimum criteria are returned to Authors. This is beneficial for Authors, who may decide to revise and submit the paper to another Journal, avoiding the delays of a lengthy review process that would nevertheless lead to rejection.

Equivalent review

Scientific papers that pass the initial review are forwarded to the Associate Editor, who selects Reviewers based on their knowledge in this specific field. Each article is reviewed by at least two Reviewers in the double-anonymous review process in which both Reviewers and Authors are anonymous. Reviewers are asked to rate the manuscript based on its originality, relevance, technical reliability and clarity. To facilitate timely publication, Reviewers are requested to complete the review form within 14 days. After collecting the Reviewers’ reports, the Associate Editor sends recommendations to the Authors. After receiving the corrected document, according to the Reviewers’ guidelines, the Associate Editor consults with the Editor-in-Chief, who issues a recommendation on the acceptability of the article.


Based on the comments of the Reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on acceptance of the article and informs the Authors to the Associate Editor. The review is written in English on a form provided by the Associate Editor of the Journal. With the permission of the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, the review may be written in another language. The contract concluded with the Reviewer specifies the requirements for the reliability and detail of the review, the deadline for completion. The reviewer is not remunerated for performing the review. In the case of a negative review, an additional reviewer is appointed by the Associate Editor or the Section Editor. The Section Editor ensures that the section is filled with scientific articles for each issue of the quarterly. The Editorial Board of the Journal may not accept a completed review if it does not meet the requirements. When the assessments of the Reviewers are extremely different, publication decisions are made by the Editor-in-Chief or the Chair of the Scientific Council. The author of the article is provided with the review text stripped of the Reviewer’s details. All Reviewers have the right to review the article again before submitting it for publication. The list of Reviewers is published in each issue of the journal transEngin and on the website. Each Reviewer will receive a certificate upon completion of the review.

Criteria of publication

A document to be published in Journal of civil engineering and transport must meet the following criteria: originality, significance, technical solidity, lucidity. A review has a written form and ends with clear conclusion about allowing or rejecting article for publication. There are three potential types of recommendations of an article by the reviewers:

    • Acceptance of an article.
    • Corrections required.
    • Rejection of an article.

If the reviewer thinks that document can’t be published in the Journal of civil engineering and transport, a review should include short but sufficient justification in the remarks of a review that helps author (authors) to understand final decision. The Editor-in-Chief shall decide about the issue of the journal that article will be published in.


The reviewers should treat content of reviewed document as strictly confidential and not to disclose it to others before publication. A reviewer should neither use nor disclose materials from a reviewed document. A reviewer must not disseminate copies of a reviewed article, unless it has already been published.

Conflict of interests

The reviewers are asked to inform Editor-in-Chief about any conflicts of interests while reviewing an article.